Monday, December 05, 2005

ready, set... grow~

i'm absolutely fascinated by how the body can change so miraculously in nine short months.

i'm grateful for the experience.

i never thought i'd say this, given my former apprehension on procreation, but... i'd think nothing of going through this whole pregnancy thing again.

it's been a breeze.

(of course, my mind's playing a sentimental trick on me now, conveniently forgetting the bout of nausea, eating disorders, sleeping discomforts, etc.)

# posted by izadnhana at 1:14 PM
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in my head. oh, and under that Favourites folder.


30 august 2003


izad&hana . born nineteen seventy seven . soulmates after seven years apart . radiohead + smashingpumpkins + londonsuede . through-thick-and-thin . ben&jerrys + gadgets + dvds . culmination of <3 in one aniq izhan .