Sunday, December 24, 2006


like bapak, like anak...?

"can i have some hair gel too?"

"nevermind what team, i look good in red. ahem!"

"the only difference between daddy and me is... i play with the ball waaaay more than him. (that lazy bum, teehee.)"

"nak pergi mana ni, izad?"

nowadays, if you ask him, "ANIQ! mana izad??", he'll turn, scan the room, and point at his daddy.

and occassionally, he'll get sick of being asked and point to some other male adults.

mum tried out another question on him the other day.

"ANIQ! mana nana??" he turned, scrunched up his face and pointed at me.

on first-name basis dengan mak bapak, nampak?

haii, ni lah budak-budak new-age sekarang ye...

# posted by izadnhana at 10:53 AM
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in my head. oh, and under that Favourites folder.


30 august 2003


izad&hana . born nineteen seventy seven . soulmates after seven years apart . radiohead + smashingpumpkins + londonsuede . through-thick-and-thin . ben&jerrys + gadgets + dvds . culmination of <3 in one aniq izhan .